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Review- authors
14 de jan. de 2021
"A Clockwork Orange"- review
“A Clockwork Orange” (1971) is a movie adaptation of Anthony Burgess’ novel. Set in a dystopian right-wing society where lust and...
Eduardo Gonçalves
27 de nov. de 2020
Anime in mainstream media
Anime, especially anime movies, have been around for a long time, from the start of the 20th century to be exact. Though they were a...
Ana Salgado
27 de nov. de 2020
The cute culture
The word “kawaii” has been used by Japanese people for centuries. It’s not known exactly how it was originated. However, we can pinpoint...
Helena Fernandes
27 de nov. de 2020
The Japanese economy: from the ‘miracle’ to the decline
In the second half of the twentieth century, Japan had a strong economic growth that ended abruptly in 1991. During the period of...
Podcasts: Helena and Ana
27 de nov. de 2020
Otaku Subculture
Tune in to listen to a discussion between Ana and Helena on the topic of otaku subculture and how Japan's perception of it. Sources:...
Podcasts: Authors
6 de nov. de 2020
The 80's and 90's AIDS crisis
Tune in to listen to a podcast made by our authors about the AIDS pandemic that began in the 80s and prevailed into the world of today....
Helena Fernandes
6 de nov. de 2020
The Impact
The AIDS epidemic was officially announced on June 5, 1981, by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The origins of HIV,...
Eduardo Gonçalves
6 de nov. de 2020
The HIV virus and Aids
At first, in the ’80s, scientists thought only gay men could suffer from HIV in what was originally called the gay-related immune...
Ana Salgado
6 de nov. de 2020
The Origin of AIDS
As the late 70s arrived, the sexual revolution movement was at its’ prime. Young people were more promiscuous than ever as they believed...
Helena Fernandes
15 de out. de 2020
European cinema and its pioneers
In a simplistic framing, European cinema and US films appear to be worlds apart: while most European films are supposed to reach a...
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