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Ana Salgado
31 de mai. de 2021
Ted Bundy
Handsome, well-educated and overflowing with charm, Ted Bundy seemed like the unlikeliest of serial killers to the general public, which...
Helena Fernandes
29 de mai. de 2021
Frank Zappa
It’s already been more than established that the decades from the 70s to the 90s were marked by a boom in the music industry. These...
Eduardo Gonçalves
28 de mai. de 2021
Princess Diana
The 20th century was a century of great change and one where a lot of monarchies fell. The monarchic system had a hard time keeping up...
Eduardo Gonçalves
6 de mai. de 2021
The VHS and the way it changed the world
In the early 70’s, watching television was different than it is today. From the 40’s to the 60’s, if you wanted to watch a certain show...
Ana Salgado
29 de abr. de 2021
The Cell phone
Humans are naturally unsatisfied beings. So, it’s no surprise that ever since the beginning of times, we have always had a bit of an...
Helena Fernandes
29 de abr. de 2021
The Internet
The internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks. It consists of private, public, academic, business, and government...
Ana Salgado
24 de mar. de 2021
Billie Jean King: The tennis activist
When the 70s began, the Women’s liberation movement was at an all-time high. Women from all over the world had grown tired of the...
Eduardo Gonçalves
23 de mar. de 2021
Gaming before consoles
Gaming is a relatively new concept to the world judging on how recently it became mainstream with the introduction of consoles. But what...
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